I am an enthusiastic developer who likes to work with latest cutting-edge technologies in software development.
I've worked over 15 years in Java and other related technologies, programming languages and platforms like Scala, Python, Android, across different applications and companies solving complex problems for high demand sites like LinkedIn, Disney and Univision.
I have experience working with on-site as well as remote teams.
My other interests are IoT, embedded programming, electronics and swimming is my favorite sport.
How to use this site
I created this site from scratch to provide a better way to go through my education and expertise, everything is tagged by related knowledge and technologies learned, as explained below. You may find issues while browsing through it, because I do not have time to test it thoroughly, but even in that case, it is better than just searching words in a document-like CV, and in fact, this site will allow to download the CV in PDF too.
From this point you can:
- Visit Jobs from the main menu for looking at my laboral career, and use the Read more... link to display further details like projects and client companies. Each job position is tagged by technology, which allows to browse other jobs, projects inside jobs, careers, courses, and content related to the same technology with just one click.
- Visit Education from the main menu for a list of careers and courses I attended and use the Read more... link to display further details about each of them including images of the earned certificates. Similarly to Jobs, each Education item is tagged by area of knowledge, which allows to fetch related content with just one click.
- Choose Skills Summary from the main menu for an overview about them.
- Choose CV from the main menu to read online or download as PDF.